
How It All Started…

Ocean Communications

Why Océan Communications?

I woke up one morning in March 2018, knowing I wanted my business name to reflect my integral connection to water, particularly salt water.

It was also very important to me that my business name be bilingual… Ocean… Océan… Perfect!

Nothing else on earth is as flexible, adaptable, flowing, nourishing, and as essential to survival as water; that’s my vision for what I want to offer my clients with my services.

Océan Communications was registered on May 1st, 2018, following a long-time dream of mine to become an entrepreneur in the field I am the most passionate about. I had also dreamt for a while about mixing my communications passion with my passion to help out and “make a difference.” Working directly with small and medium businesses and local organizations seems like the perfect fit!



“The ocean is one of the delights for the human eye. The seashore is a theatre of fluency. When the mind is entangled, it is soothing to walk by the seashore, to let the rhythm of the ocean inside you. The ocean disentangles the netted mind. Everything loosens and comes back to itself. The false divisions are relieved, released, and healed.”
– John O’Donohue, Anam Cara